notion income course

Learn how to make money with Notion

A complete step-by-step framework for making money and building an additional stream
of income selling Notion Templates

A complete step-by-step framework

From finding product ideas and building templates to creating marketing assets, building a store, and driving traffic - you will learn the complete process of building your Notion business

Why Notion

How to find an idea

Creating a template

Marketing assets

Sales copy

Building a store


Increasing sales

From zero to hero

In this course, we will build a complete Notion Template from scratch, starting from ideating to building, creating marketing assets, and publishing it to our store. Watch the complete process, replicate, and build your own Notion Templates business

Section 1: What is Notion, what makes it powerful, and why sell Notion templates

Section 2: Exploring Notion - full Notion walkthrough

Section 3: Researching the market and picking template idea

Section 4: Building a template

Section 5: Preparing our template for publishing

Section 6: Creating marketing assets

Section 7: Building our store

Section 8: Leveraging marketplaces

Section 9: Marketing and driving traffic

Section 10: Bonus - increasing sales and automating the processes

Bonus materials

Upcoming modules and lessons

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Creator's Copilot Notion System

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